Life After Professional Sport

Are you now, or have you ever been involved in professional, semi-professional or full time sport?

For many, being involved in professional or top level sport is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream. But not all sports careers can last forever; have you considered what comes next? It’s never too early, or too late, to think about your future.

Sport professionals are highly sought after by employers in a huge number of sectors. The very characteristics that have put you at the top of your sports career are the same traits employers find desirable. There are thousands of rewarding careers out there, and LAPS has been set up by sports and recruitment experts to help connect you with the right opportunities. It is an exclusive, invitation-only community designed specifically for you. And it’s absolutely FREE to use.

LAPS has been designed specifically for sports professionals. Watch interviews with people who have made the transition, find out about new careers and qualifications, and apply for jobs, all right here.

"Life after sport can be a challenging time, but it needn’t be. It’s a wonderful opportunity for reinvention." Richard Branson
"LAPS gives sportspeople the chance to redirect their motivation and drive into a fulfilling new career, and provides all the help they need to make it happen." Robbie Simpson - Professional Footballer & Founder of LAPS

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